Program Overview

*Program Overview is subject to change.

Times listed are in Central Time.

3:00 PM–5:00 PM

Registration Open

5:00 PM–7:00 PM

ACT Council Meeting

7:00 AM–8:00 AM

CE Continental Breakfast (CE attendees only.)

7:00 AM–8:00 AM

New Member Mingle and VIP Breakfast (By invitation only.)

7:00 AM–6:00 PM

Registration Open

8:00 AM–11:30 AM

Continuing Education Courses

11:00 AM–4:00 PM

Speaker Ready Room Open

11:45 AM–12:55 PM

IJT Editorial Board Meeting (By invitation only.)

12:00 Noon–12:55 PM

Exhibitor-Hosted Programs

1:00 PM–4:30 PM

Continuing Education Courses

2:00 PM–6:30 PM

Exhibition and Poster Setup (No entry after 6:00 pm.)

4:45 PM–6:30 PM

Student Poster Competition (By invitation only: student travel award recipients only.)

7:00 PM–8:30 PM

Welcome Reception (Ticketed event. Advance registration required.)

7:00 AM–8:00 AM

Continental Breakfast

7:00 AM–5:00 PM

Registration Open

8:00 AM–1:00 PM

Speaker Ready Room Open

8:00 AM–8:55 AM

Plenary Lecture

9:00 AM–12:00 Noon

Symposia and Workshops

9:30 AM–6:30 PM

ACT Expo Live! and Posters Open

12:00 Noon–12:55 PM

Exhibitor-Hosted Programs

12:00 Noon–2:00 PM

Awards Ceremony (Open to all attendees.)

2:00 PM–5:00 PM

Symposia and Workshops

5:00 PM–6:30 PM

Poster Session

6:30 PM–9:30 PM

Early Career Professional Night (Open to students and attendees with less than 10 years of professional experience. Space is limited. Email ACT Headquarters to sign up.)

7:30 AM–5:00 PM

Registration Open

8:00 AM–8:55 AM

Exhibitor-Hosted Programs

8:00 AM–1:00 PM

Speaker Ready Room Open 

8:00 AM–9:00 AM

Breakfast Reception in Exhibit Hall 

8:00 AM–9:00 AM

Past Presidents’ Breakfast (By invitation only

8:00 AM–4:30 PM

ACT Expo Live! and Posters Open

9:00 AM–12:00 Noon

Symposia and Workshops

10:15 AM–11:15 AM

Meet IJT Editor Mary Beth Genter (Exhibit Hall)

12:00 Noon–12:55 PM

Exhibitor-Hosted Programs

12:00 Noon–1:30 PM

2025 Program Planning Meeting (Advance registration required.)

12:00 Noon–2:00 PM

Lunch on Your Own

2:00 PM–5:00 PM

Symposia and Workshops

4:30 PM–6:30 PM

Exhibition and Poster Dismantle

5:00 PM–6:30 PM

ACT Members’ Meeting (All ACT members invited.)

6:30 PM–7:30 PM

ACT Member Mixer (All ACT members invited. Advance registration required.)

7:00 AM–8:00 AM

Continental Breakfast

7:30 AM–2:00 PM

Registration Open

8:00 AM–8:55 AM

Plenary Lecture

8:00 AM–1:00 PM

Speaker Ready Room Open

9:00 AM–12:00 Noon

Symposia and Workshops

12:00 Noon–12:55 PM

Exhibitor-Hosted Programs

12:00 Noon–1:45 PM

ACT Council Meeting 

12:00 Noon–2:00 PM

Lunch on Your Own

2:00 PM–5:00 PM

Symposia and Workshops

5:00 PM–6:00 PM

Closing Social (Open to all registered attendees.)

A Special Thank You to Our Platinum and Gold Supporters

See all supporters here