Mobile Event App

Get the App and Navigate the Meeting from Your Mobile Phone or Tablet

How Do I Install the App?

iOS 6 and higher:

The iOS app is compatible with iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches running on an operating system of 8.0 and above. Device models older than the iPhone 4s, iPod touch 5th generation, and iPad 2 will not be able to run 8.0.

  1. Open the App Store app and search for the app by entering ACT2017.
  2. Press the Free or Install button.

Android 5 and higher:

The Android app is compatible with Android phones and tablets running on an operating system of 4.2.2 and above.

  1. Open the Google Play app and search for the app by entering ACT2017.
  2. Select Download and open the app after the download has completed.

Note: The app is developed for Android 5 and higher (older Android versions have very limited disk space and may prompt to delete other apps on the device before installing a new app).

Desktop, BlackBerry, or Windows Device (including Surface Tablets):

HTML 5 is a web-based application and can be accessed on a web-browser (optimized in Chrome) used for desktops, Blackberrys, and Windows phones.

  1. Open the browser on the computer or device. 
  2. Navigate to

Password: You may be prompted to enter your user name and password. ACT Member registrants use their ACT membership login credentials to gain access. ACT nonmember registrants use their email and password used to register for the meeting to gain access. At any time, use the password reminder on the ACT website login to have your password sent to your email address (the email address used to register for the meeting).

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