Advanced Comprehensive Toxicology Logo

Education Course
Advanced Comprehensive Toxicology

The American College of Toxicology (ACT) is offering an advanced course, Advanced Comprehensive Toxicology, to complement Toxicology for Pharmaceutical and Regulatory Scientists course. The lectures cover detailed descriptions of the principles of toxicology, effects of xenobiotics on organ systems, discussions of specific classes of toxicants, mechanisms of toxicity, risk assessment, and other contemporary toxicological concepts. The content of this course provides information that may be helpful to those seeking certification in toxicology or to those seeking advanced training in toxicology.

The ACT course is only being offered as an in-person format. Virtual or hybrid participation is not an option.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Advanced Topics in General Toxicology/Mechanisms of Toxicity, Debie Hoivik, Akebia Therapeutics
Toxicokinetics/Pharmacokinetics/Metabolism, Leanne Bedard, Bedard ADME-Tox Solutions
Genotoxicity, Les Recio, ScitoVation
Carcinogenesis, Todd Bourcier, US FDA, and Owen McMaster, US FDA

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Respiratory Toxicology, Gregory Finch, Independent Research Toxicologist
Occupational Toxicology, Robert Roy, Northland Toxicology Consultants, LLC
Nervous System Toxicology, Mary Beth Genter, University of Cincinnati
Safety Pharmacology, Katie Sokolowski, Denali Therapeutics

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Kidney Toxicology, Mary Beth Genter, University of Cincinnati
Hematopoietic and Immune Systems Toxicology, David McMillan, US FDA
Cardiovascular System Toxicology, Simon Authier, Charles River Laboratories
Liver Toxicology, Amy Roe, Procter & Gamble

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Skin and Ocular: Special Senses, Ewa Budzynski, Akkeri, Inc.
Pesticides, Lydia Cox, Nichino America, Inc.
Ecotoxicology, Mark Johnson, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry
Risk Assessment, Thomas Lewandowski, Gradient, LLC

Friday, August 2, 2024 *

Developmental and Reproductive Toxicology, Katie Sokolowski, Denali Therapeutics
Regulatory Toxicology, William Brock, Brock Scientific Consulting
Practice Exam

*Course ends at noon.


Registration and Check-In: Monday, 7:30 AM–8:00 AM

Monday–Thursday, 8:00 AM–5:00 PM;
Friday, 8:00 AM–12:00 Noon

Speakers, presentation topics, and/or format are subject to change.

Daily continental breakfast, snack breaks, and lunch are provided as part of the registration. To disclose dietary restrictions, allergies, and/or accessibility needs please email ACT Headquarters by July 8, 2024. ACT will do its best to accommodate but cannot guarantee requests will be granted.

Detailed course handouts will be provided electronically. Participants must bring personal computer to view materials. Please ensure to download materials before arriving. Internet will not be provided.

Mary Beth Genter, University of Cincinnati

Katie Sokolowski, Denali Therapeutics

Buay PermpoontaweesupACT Staff Liaison

Safety Protocols

ACT has continued to monitor the COVID-19 situation along with local and federal guidelines. Based on local current health mandates, ACT will not require proof of vaccination or proof of a negative PCR test. However, the local mandates could change; therefore, we ask that individuals bring a mask. You may also want to consider bringing an at-home COVID-19 test kit with you.

ACT expects that attendees use the  CDC’s self-checker website daily. Should you feel unwell or suspect you have been exposed to COVID-19, we ask that you isolate. Please stay home if you feel sick.

Registration Form

Registration Fees

Early-Bird Registration
(Received by May 28)
Regular Registration
(Begins May 29)
ACT Member $1,500 $1,600
ACT Student or Postdoc Member $  995 $1,095
Nonmember $1,800 $1,900
Government* $1,500 $1,600
ACT Member Group Rate**
(3 or more from same company)
$1,350 $1,450
Nonmember Group Rate**
(3 or more from same company)
$1,650 $1,750
ACT Member Group Rate**
(10 or more from same company)
$1,250 $1,350
Nonmember Group Rate**
(10 or more from same company)
$1,550 $1,650

Government Registration Policy*: The government registration rate is specifically designated for federal, state, or local employees of government departments/agencies who are actively participating in the course as official government personnel. Employees of public academic institutions, nonprofit institutions, or government contractors do not qualify for the discounted government rate. To register under the government rate, individuals must use their government-affiliated email address for verification purposes. ACT may request further documentation of government employment before the registration is finalized. If you are unsure you qualify for the government rate, please email ACT Headquarters before processing your payment online.

**To take advantage of the group rate: Please send your completed registration forms to ACT Headquarters. You will not be able to select the group rate through the online registration. All three forms (or more) should be emailed at the same time.

Refund Policy:$100 Processing Fee will be charged before 5/28/24; 50% refund if canceled before 6/25/24; After 6/25/24, no fees will be refunded.

Course Location

Hyatt Regency Dulles
2300 Dulles Corner Blvd.
Herndon, VA 20171


Hyatt Regency Dulles
2300 Dulles Corner Blvd.
Herndon, VA 20171
Tel: 703.713.1234
Hotel Reservations: 402.592.6422
Group Reservation Code: ACT1

Housing Deadline

Please refer to the ACT Room Block to make your housing reservation. The ACT meeting rate of $149 (plus tax) is offered over the dates of July 28–August 2, 2024, based on availability, and reservations must be made by July 8, 2024


A personal laptop to view course materials and your computer charger are required. We suggest downloading all the course materials to your laptop prior to arriving at the course. Course materials will be provided approximately one week before the start of the course. Internet will not be provided in the course.